
Connect, get paid for your time!

Register as a model, singer, actor, creator, and share your social links with friends, clients & collegues. We use guaranteed introductions via Boshed™ to secure payments and revenues for you & your agent. more


Our Mission Together

Find the influencers, and promote living $h!t of their social links!

Are you independently managed, or part of an agency? 📧 E-mail Jim 📧 for managing your own listings.

Respecting DMC/Takedown Notice(s)

We are commonly allowed to store, index and present to the public your openly available social links. If you feel your social links have been hacked, stolen or used inappropriately we'll always quietly respect your right to privacy and remove, or make certain links unsearchable on any of our sites to the best of our abilities. DM me on IG and we'll go from there! ☺


Boshed™ is pairing great brands with solid influencer matches to create brand awareness together with paid sponsorships via social links.

Are you the owner, or brand representative of a real product or service? 📧 Brand sponsor 📧 as you wish to seek out one or many influencers.. we'll do our best to speak with their people quickly with your request, and so you can co-ordinate with them directly in a Zoom/FaceTime group brand orientation session/consultation meeting.

Boundary™ 2024 © Semple Ventures & Jim Semple on  Content Bang