Chris Anderson

author, The Long Tail, writer for Wired Magazine, robotics, founder of DIY Drones, keynote speaker, tech reporter

Molly Mielke

graphic designer

Michael Shellenberger

bestselling author of Apocalypse Never, San Fransicko

Laura Baxter-Simons

billionaire heiress, lawyer, attorney, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Meritage Group

Jennifer A. Doudna

biochemist, Professor of Biochemistry at UC Berkeley Research

Gaybe Miller

professor, director of National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), UC Berkeley Dean of Gender Studies, author of Intersectionality Racial & Gender Fluidity, trans

Daniel Ellsberg

author of The Doomsday Machine, political commentator, politics, political activist, RAND Corporation, his wife Patricia Marx was the daughter of toymaker Louis Marx

Allie Janoch

entrepreneur, founder & CEO of Mapistry

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